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Bend of Ivy's October 2022 Newsletter


Dear BOI Friends,

Fall brings change. Some changes are bright and visible, like the vibrant fall foliage that's popping now. As shown in this week's photo, bright gold, orange and reds are glowing at the Koi pond now.

Some fall changes are quieter. As the evenings and weather get cooler, quiet changes are happening at BOI.

Creatures and plants are slowing down, some getting ready to hibernate like our Koi fish. Our beloved elder goat Chloe, our brown speckled dear one horn goat, is slowing down with age. That happens.

Beloveds come in many forms. They are loves, dear to us. They can be creatures, humans, nature, pets, places and spaces.

The goat herd's now moved to their winter paddock, area between the Lodge and Farmhouse. Guests can easily see and watch the goats hanging out or playing there. Easy viewing from the Lodge, pond or Studio. And it's often mutual observation. The goats love watching BOI guests and their activities.

Bend of Ivy supported many groups and organizations in September as a healing, wellness and growth space. We're grateful for that. Wellness and well-being in nature are key desires in our clients' work. Shares of some September groups and organizations retreating at BOI are below.

And... on the note of wellness and well-being... If you are supporting others in your work and life (that's our BOI clients' profile), please remember to take care of your self. Self-care and self-compassion are resiliency fuels. That's part of my own journey, and remembering.

Be well, and take care,


Bend of Ivy's Upcoming Public Retreats & Events Stay updated here! October 26-30 Autumn Retreat With DJ McKay Click here for more detailed information. November 2-4 Mountain Yoga Retreat With Allison Modaferri Click here for more detailed information. November 7-10 Presence Based Coaching Fall Retreat With Bebe Hansen Click here for more detailed information. Please feel free to share BOI programs and retreats with others! They're shares of healing, fun and growth experiences.

Winter Booking Sale for Dec 2022 - March 2023. New bookings only. Now, for Limited Time. 20% off lodging fees.

Book now your Bend of Ivy Lodge 2023 winter retreat or event and get a winter discount special! Sale ~ 20% off lodging fees.

Mention WinterBOI2023 special.

Sale ends November 15, 2022.


September had many groups retreating at BOI. Including teams, trainings, well-being and wisdom retreats. October busy too with the Lodge booked every night. We're so grateful for our awesome clients and hard-working BOI team (housekeeping, administrative, grounds, maintenance and catering)! Thanks all!
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