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Resiliency: Life + Lodge

Watching birds flitter and perch in bare trees, so visible in winter bark, soothes my being. Their calls and chirps flow like music through the air, breaking the beautiful stillness of nature. Seems body wiring and neurons relax, and my heart feels good. Thought about adding on my ‘Love to Learn’ list, understanding bird calls. I’m curious, what are they saying? Resilient little things.

Bend of Ivy Lodge Update News:

We’ve been very busy the last few months with Bend of Ivy projects and life, especially this February month. Winter is a good time for TLC building maintenance and updates. So, we did! Alan and I are so grateful for our dedicated and hard-working support team at Bend of Ivy. Amazing people. Pro-active, creative and conscientious … they’re angels, craftsmen and huge hearted folk. Thank you Jerry, Shane and Ed! What’s been updated?

Interior Painting – light, calming Navajo White on all walls. Ceilings clean white.

Deep cleanall rooms, furniture, closets, floors.

Kitchennew flooring, now squeak free. New track lighting.

Bathrooms Remodeledfloors, sinks, faucets, lights, mirrors, molding accessories, counter.

Entry waynew flooring, closet doors, molding and de-cluttered. Welcoming!

Mattresses75% currently replaced with organic, 100% cotton, locally made, good quality. Rest replaced next few months.

A few unexpected and unplanned things happened during this time. Not many, thank goodness, and pretty standard for remodeling projects. The team rolled beautifully when things popped up. End product  was usually better, more beautiful. Resiliency training!

Resiliency Training:

Seems that’s part of life, resiliency training. How do we embrace, ground or re-ground when life gives unexpected things? Often I’m fairly resilient, and other times not so much. Think I learn the most when when my resiliency is not so strong. Usually my body and mind are tired or stressed, reminding me that self-care has been remiss.

A godsend for me is an experiential course I’m currently participating, Doug Silsbee and Carolyn Coughlin’s Virtual Course: Language, The Body and Development. Fascinating perspectives around language, resilience and development. Rich deep levels of material around developmental coaching of leaders. Sharing some learnings in later blog.

The month started with an unexpected, heartbreaking experience of a life ending, my uncle. His difficult passing created some beginnings in those around him. The planned became unplanned. Lives, vacations, relationships changed. Some unplanned precious life connections and discoveries happened. Resiliency showed up in different ways.

More energetic life experiences coursed through the month, each one having a larger story than a few words: joyous reconnections and celebrations with long-time friends, estate administration support, and family engagement celebration.

Life moments and transitions. Each precious.

Restore and pause:

February ended with detoxing and de-stressing. Needed! Bend of Ivy hosted a wonderful healing detox yoga retreat filled with enthusiastic wellness learners. It was a beautiful weekend of meditation, yoga, nature walks, delicious meals, detox juices and teas, wellness programs …. gut, body and mind TLC.

Thanks Jackie Dobrinska for thoughtful wellness teaching and guidance! Loved partnering together to create a relaxed education and community space for connecting mind, body and soul. Growing body wisdom. More in another blog…

I feel gratitude as this month ends. A full month of experiences and learnings. The gratitude list is long .. my body (learned that this weekend), amazing teachers, friends, colleagues, loved ones, pets, Bend of Ivy community and magnificent mountains. My wise, resilient and kind husband Alan, most especially.

With love, and warm wishes,


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